Chapter 6

Chapter 6
begins with the opening of the seals on the scroll. John is reporting what
he sees to the reader. The scene in chapter 6 continues from the events in
chapters 4 and 5.
In Chapter
4, John, caught up into heaven, saw God on his throne surrounded by the four
living creatures, the 24 elders and all the angels of heaven. In chapter 5,
we see a scroll, which no one in heaven, on the earth or under the earth can
open. Then a lamb appears on the center of the throne of God, He alone can
take the scroll. Jesus Christ is represented as the slain lamb, which died
for the sins of the world. He alone who became man can take and open the
The scroll
represents the title of the earth, the title Adam lost at the fall.
chapter 6, Jesus Christ, the Lamb, has the seven sealed scroll.
When Christ opens the seals, events begin to occur on the
earth as Christ takes possession of the earth from the kings of the earth.
By opening the seven-seals, events described in this chapter begin to
The opening
of the seventh seal brings the seven-angels with seven trumpets who complete
the judgments in the first half of the tribulation period.
In the book
of Revelation, we see the judgments of God presented in three phases; seals,
trumpets and bowls. The 7 seals and 7 trumpet judgments occur in the first
half of the tribulation period, the seven bowl judgments occur in the second
half of the tribulation period. The two-halves of the tribulation period,
are separated by mid-point. The whole tribulation period is a seven-year
period according to Daniel 9:27, and Revelation 11-13. The period begins
with the agreement to allow Temple worship and sacrifice on Mt. Moriah.
This same agreement, broken with the stopping of sacrifice and setting up of
image in the Jewish Temple separates the first half from the second half.
The First Seal: The White Horse
Revelation 6
1 Now I saw
when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living
creatures saying with a voice like thunder, "Come and see."
2 And I
looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown
was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. Revelation
I Saw Continuing
from chapter 5, John is still in heaven watching the Lamb who had just taken
the scroll from God the Father.
The Lamb
The Lamb is in the midst of the throne with the Father, surrounded by the
four living creatures.
Come and
John is
invited by one of the four living creatures to come and see what happens at
the opening of the first seal. The opening of the first seal begins the
tribulation period, Daniel’s 70th Week, The time of
Jacob’s trouble (Jer. 30;7).
prerequisite in the start of the tribulation, is the rebuilding of the
Jewish Temple on Mt. Moriah and the establishment of sacrifice in worship.
If the rapture occurs prior the tribulation (Pre-tribulation), it is
doubtful Christians will see the rebuilt Temple. However, there are events
that must precede the building of the Jewish Temple.
In order for
a Jewish Temple to be built, on the third most holy location to Islam, The
building known as the Dome of the Rock must be removed. This is no
small order, when we examine the earth’s population we see about 6.3 billion
people,1.3 billion are Muslim over 20% of the worlds population. They would
have a problem with Israel destroying a building which commemorates their
prophet, Mohammad, ascent into heaven, and Islam’s victory over Christianity
and Judaism. Israel understands the current situation, and for this reason
in 1967 when Israel defeated Jordan and conquered East Jerusalem, they
allowed the Temple Mount to stay under Muslim control. Any move by Israel
against the Dome of the Rock would unleash the Muslim world against Israel.
Islamic Invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38-39)
The Bible
clearly speaks of a day in the future in the “Latter years” (Ezek. 38:8)
after “Many days”, after the Jews are gathered from the nations of the world
back in the land of Israel, when they will be attacked. Nations
specifically mentioned in those attacks are Persia (Iran), Put (Libya) and
Cush (Ethiopia) all three nations are Muslim today. Iran is openly hostile
to Israel, supporting, arming, and equipping Hezbollah in southern Lebanon,
pointing thousands of missiles toward Israel. Iran is also an ally of
Syria, with a mutual defense treaty, today; Syria is still officially at war
with Israel.
Included in
this alliance against Israel are the nations referred to as Gog and Magog
and her allies from the far north of Israel, including Gomer and Togarmah.
According to Ezekiel, this invasion into Israel will end in defeat for these
attacking nations. To the far north of Israel is Russia, currently Russia
has formed an alliance with Iran. Russia recently built a nuclear reactor
for Iran. Russia has also agreed to supply nuclear fuel to power up the
reactor. Israel has threatened to attack the nuclear reactor to prevent Iran
from acquiring a nuclear warheads to arm their missiles, the Shahab III,
putting Israel in range of Iranian nuclear strike.
Such an
attack against Iran, could very well justify a Russian/Islamic invasion into
Israel foretold by Ezekiel. A growing orthodox movement which threatens the
Dome of the Rock has also brought threats from Iran against Israel.
7 "Prepare
yourself and be ready, you and all your companies that are gathered about
you; and be a guard for them. 8 "After many days you will be
visited. In the latter years you will come into the land of those
brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the
mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate; they were brought
out of the nations, and now all of them dwell safely.
9 "You will
ascend, coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud, you and all
your troops and many peoples with you."
this defeat of the Russian/Muslim powers, Ezekiel specifically refers to a
seven-year period where the people of Israel will utilize the remnants of
equipment left by this invading army. Only 1/6 of the army survives, they
are left to bury the dead. The seven-year period mentioned by Ezekiel
corresponds to the seven-year of Daniel’s 70th week. (Ezekiel
In the
history of Israel, Persia has never invaded the land of Israel after it was
resettled by Jewish inhabitants, Assyria invaded Israel in 722 B.C., and
Babylon invaded Judah three times, (605, 597 and 586 B.C.). Persia however,
did not need to invade Israel, because once Babylon was defeated, by Cyrus
the Great, in 539 B.C., Persia became masters of Israel and Judah.
The invasion
referred to by Ezekiel takes place in the future following a “long period of
desolation” and a resettlement of Jews from the nations of the earth. This
event is unique to the 20th century, when Israel became a nation
again in 1948. Israel becoming a nation again was an event Ezekiel wrote
about in chapters 36, 37, 38, and 39, 2600 years ago.
chronological events in Ezekiel correspond to the end-time scenario both in
Daniel and Revelation.
Ezekiel |
Contents |
Prophetic events |
Ezekiel 36 |
Israel promised to be restored, gathered from the nations.
the 1800’s Jews began returning to the land of Israel. In 1948,
following the Holocaust Israel was allowed to become a nation
again by powers that be. |
Ezekiel 37 |
Ezekiel sees Israel as valley of dry bones which becomes a
mighty army.
Judah and Israel become one nation. |
Israel became a very powerful military force in the middle east
after 5 wars. Today Israel is ranked as one of the most powerful
nations on earth, even though their population is only 5
million. |
Ezekiel 38 |
Alliance of nations invades the newly established nation of
Israel, gathered out of the nations. God defeats the armies,
Israel is victorious over Gog and Magog. |
Russia, Iran, Syria and other nations have formed an anti-Israel
alliance which very well could be the seed of Ezek. 38’s
fulfillment. |
Ezekiel 39 |
Armies are buried in the land, Israel uses the remnants of their
weapons for seven-years. |
This alliance of nations loses to Israel not because of Israel’s
might but because God intervenes. |
Ezekiel 40-43 |
God gives Ezekiel the plans for a New Temple which God Himself
will appear. |
Following this defeat of Muslim nations Israel will be free to
rebuild the Jewish Temple. This Temple however will be one built
while Israel denies Jesus as messiah and will desolated.
The Temple Ezekiel sees will be built by Christ Himself in
the Millennium. |
Ezekiel 44-48 |
Israel during the Millennium. |
the end of the 70th Week, Christ returns and
establishes the Millennium Kingdom ruling from Jerusalem.
The invasion
of Gog and Magog is seen as an “End Times” event by Judaism[1],
and Christianity. Following the defeat of the Russian/Muslim powers, Israel
will feel saved from its enemies. This will open the way for the rebuilding
of the Jewish Temple. The Antichrist, who will come to power before or
after this event will consolidate world power and guarantee Israel’s right
to build the Temple.
The Antichrist
White horse
The view of the white horse and its rider has been one of
debate. Some see the rider on the white horse as Jesus Christ, who John
sees riding white horse in Revelation 19. Jesus Christ at the end of the
tribulation period returns in glory with armies of heaven to set up the
Messianic Kingdom, the Millennium follows the return of Christ.
The white
horse in Revelation 6:2 does not conclude the matter as the Jesus Christ
does in Revelation 19. The white horse of Revelation 6:2, starts the events
leading to the return of Christ. The white horse of Revelation 6, is a
picture of the pseudo peace established by the Antichrist at the start of
the tribulation period. This peace is removed by the very next horse the
Red horse. Paul speaks of this in I Thessalonians 5.
1TH 5:3 For
when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them,
as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.5:4 But
you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as
a thief.I Thes. 5:3-4
From the
Seventy Weeks of Daniel (Daniel 9:24-27) we learn Daniel’s 70th
week, begins with a confirmation of a covenant with “many”. This
covenant is a “Peace” agreement giving Israel the right to rebuild the
Temple and offer sacrifice. The Hebrew word for confirm is
meaning to prevail, to have strength, be strong. The “Prince to come”
(Daniel 9:26) uses the power of military force to guarantee Israel’s right
to rebuild the Temple and offer sacrifice.
When we keep
in mind the battle of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39) which precedes this
event, and an earth, weary of religious conflicts between Muslims, Jews and
Christians, the earth will be ripe to accept a concluding peace on the
Jerusalem issue.
Israel will
accept the terms of the world leader, assuming the Temple built will usher
in the age of Messiah. The Temple, however is built by a nation who still
rejects Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Israel will have a temporary false
peace, this same person, the Antichrist, will break his agreement with
Israel after three and half years and stop sacrifice and set up an image in
the rebuilt Temple. This event, known as the Abomination of Desolation
referred to by Jesus in Matthew 24:15, starts the second half of the
tribulation. Jesus refers to Daniel, who refers to this event in four
verses. (Daniel 8:11-12, 9:27, 11:31, 12:11).
We see a
picture of bow, with no arrows. The lack of arrows demonstrates what Daniel
9:27 already tells us, through military intimidation the Antichrist will
enforce peace. He will not need to attack, because his force will be so
overwhelming nations will not risk war, knowing they will loose. With the
threat of Russia and Islam removed, the Antichrist will have free reign.
The type of crown worn by the rider on the white horse is a
crown, a crown of victory. We are told the crown was given to him, his
victory on world scene is one permitted by God. The antichrist, is the
ultimate human ruler, he is last ruler on the earth, preceding Messiah’s
kingdom. Daniel (Daniel 11:36-44, 7:8,19-26) give us an insight on the
person who will one day rule the nations of the earth.
From the Seventy week of Daniel, (Daniel 9:26) we know he will be a
descendent of the armies of Rome. The armies of Rome, 37 years after
Christ’s death, destroyed the Temple and Jerusalem. Daniel tells us, “The
prince to come” will be a descendent of these armies.
Many Bible
expositors speculate he will be the leader of European nation, the
successors of the Roman Empire. Europe will rise to the power of Rome. The
current problem, with this view is Europe is militarily not in the position
to force the nations of earth to accepting peace terms. Secondly, Israel
would not trust Europe with its peace. Europe is openly hostile to Israel,
with a growing Muslim population, Europe is now under constant pressure to
appease anti-Jewish viewpoints.
Daniel in reference to the descent of the Antichrist, merely states he will
be a descendent of the armies, which destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple.
This opens the possibility of the Antichrist being a descendent of Rome, but
not the leader of a European nation. He could be a European, a descendent of
the Roman armies, who heads a powerful nation such as the United States
following the Rapture, which can guarantee and protect Israel’s security and
lull Israel into a false sense of security
Second Seal: The Red Horse
3 When He
opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, "Come and
4 Another
horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to
take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and
there was given to him a great sword.
Second seal
The second seal follows the first in chronological order. The Antichrist
brings the earth into a false sense of peace following battle of Gog and
Magog and the reestablishment of Temple worship.
Fiery red
The words describing the second horse reveal his character, the Greek word
for the color is,
purrov Purrhos,
having the color of fire, red. The red color of this
horse is the color of red fire.
The second horse demonstrates the “False Peace” established by the rider on
the white horse. The world wants peace, but without God, and for a short
period they will seem like they have peace, without God, but then man’s
nature will take hold and war will quickly follow.
Kill one
description of what follows, the three remaining horsemen, is what would
happen following a nuclear war. We learn within this early period of the
tribulation, ¼ of the earth’s population dies. The initial death will be
from war as described by the Red horse.
nuclear war is more and more a possibility as nations continue to upgrade
technology to defend themselves from potential assaults from their
neighbors. India and Pakistan are a great examples, these two nations by
themselves have almost 1.2 billion people. Yet both nations are
increasingly their nuclear and missile technology to outdo their neighbor.
A nuclear war between these nations would not just affect those who die from
missile strikes but food supplies and diseases, which would follow.
Great sword
The weapon used is called in the Greek a
or great. The destruction humanity can inflict on humanity in the past,
pales in comparison to what can happen today. Nuclear weapons with greater
fire power, held by smaller and smaller nations can turn world into chaos.
description of “Great sword” is very applicable to a nuclear war following
the false peace established by the Antichrist.

Third Seal: The Black Horse
5 When He
opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come and
see." So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a
pair of scales in his hand.
6 And I heard
a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat
for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm
the oil and the wine."
Third Seal
Following the Red horse, we see a black horse this event follows the
chronological order of events taking place on earth. Following a nuclear
war, several events take place, one is nuclear fallout and destruction of
edible foods. Nuclear was does not only hurt living humans, but everything
living. Food and food supplies are destroyed in the process of nuclear war
as the radioactive waves pass through all living matter. This is then
followed by the particles which then begin to a fall on fields where food is
growing to feed the populations.
Black horse
The third horse pictured is a black horse, which is used to depict famine
elsewhere in scripture. (Jeremiah 4:28, Lamentations 4;8-9). Following the
war, food will be in short supply on the planet and many will die.
Scales This
is the picture of commerce in the world. Today, the idol of the earth is no
longer socialist doctrines but capitalism and success without God. Many in
the former Communist nations no longer look to Communism as their hope but
the success and prosperity of Capitalism. Nations on the earth are pushing
commerce and success as the hope of their nations. Godless capitalism, is a
growing movement in the world today.
The hope of
success for the most part is a godless and corrupt hope, which pushes sex
without marriage, homosexuality, violence, murder and host of other sins.
Many of these same countries reluctantly accept Christian missionaries and
evangelism as an appeasement for free trade. The Gospel however continues to
give people a choice, what really is important.
In the
tribulation period, people will be forced to choose the God of Heaven or
Quart of
The Greek
word used here,
the amount of food a laboring man would eat in one meal. Wheat was is a
higher quality food then barley. The cost of wheat was one days wages, or a
denarius. Following the wars of the Red horse, the lack of food will cause
world wide inflation resulting in famine.
The voice is
coming from the center of the Throne, from the midst of the four living
creatures. This could very well be the voice of Christ, reminding those who
live on the Earth through Revelation chapter 6, that earthly food and
commerce is not humanities hope but God’s word alone. This is the message
in John chapter 6, as Christ explains the concept of eternal life versus the
temporary life in this world.
33 "For the
bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."
34 Then they said to Him, "Lord, give us this bread always." 35 And Jesus
said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never
hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. John 6:33-35
amount equivalent to what a day laborer would make. (Matthew 20:2) A full
day of labor was required to have enough to eat for one day.
Three quarts
barley This
was a lower quality food then wheat. Barley, was food for animals and the
poor. Here the same denarius will purchase 3 meals of barley versus one
meal of wheat.
Oil and
the wine
These were
foods of luxury and wealth. These items are contrasted to the wheat and
barley, which require a whole days labor. The wealthy will not suffer like
those who will need food to get by on a daily basis.