to Revelation 2
Jesus in
chapter one is pictured standing in the midst of seven lamp stands
representing the seven churches
In Chapters 2
and 3, Jesus Christ addresses the seven churches of the book of Revelation.
addresses four churches starting with Ephesus, and then going north to
Smyrna, then to Pergamos (Pergamum), from Pergamos going southeast
In chapter 3,
Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea to complete the seven churches.
Jesus had
specific comments for each church. These comments can be broken down into
to four categories;
Commendation |
Condemnation |
Consultation |
Challenge |
In chapter 2,
only the church at Smyrna had no condemnation, while the harshest
condemnation was leveled at Thyatira. In understanding the extent of these
comments, it is important to understand the audience.
There are
four audiences addressed in the book of Revelation, the literal churches,
saints who have an ear, seven church types and seven church ages.
1. The literal
The first
audience addressed in these letters is the literal church. These were
literal churches with literal problems. Jesus in his comments first
acknowledges the positive aspects (commendation) for each church. Except for
the church of Laodicea, they had no commendation. Jesus also points out,
where the churches lacked and their sin (condemnation). He warns them, what
would follow, if they fail to correct the problem. The churches of Smyrna
and Philadelphia received no condemnation, but were consoled for their
suffering and weakness. The resurrected Jesus tells the failing churches
what they need to do to correct their course (consultation). Jesus then
promises the person who “Overcomes” an aspect of the life to come. He
challenges the believer, to succeed, to “Overcome”, and achieve the
challenge before them.
2. The saints
“He who has an ear”
In addition
to the physical churches, the letter also applies to every individual member
of the church, especially those who have “Spiritual ears”. Jesus
specifically addresses those who have an ear. The ear referred to here is
not a physical ear, but a spiritual ear. Jesus is talking to the spiritual
hearing, those who have a spiritual ear, to hear what the Spirit is saying
to the churches. The contents of the letter as well as the comments are not
limited to the “Seven Churches”, but the whole church.
The seven
churches are merely models of what applies to the whole of Christianity.
The church is made up of various types of believers, each like these
churches dealing with issues. Some saints now suffer, some are rich, others
have compromised their walk and their beliefs. To us, who have “Spiritual”
ears, Jesus addresses this letter. Jesus holds out the promise, the
challenge to the “Overcomer”.
3. Seven
Church Types
Of the seven
churches, no two are alike. Some of the churches have aspects of the other
churches, but they deal with them in a different ways. Both Ephesus and
Pergamum had Nicolaitans, one rejected them the other tolerated them. This
variety in church types demonstrates an aspect seen from the founding of
churches in individual cities, not every church is alike. Some churches are
more obedient then others some thrive in the midst of persecution, others
crumble with an abundance of wealth and power.
These seven
church models are seven church-types; here Jesus gives the secret for a
successful church. The letter to the seven churches is also a letter to
seven types of churches. Churches today are faced with the same problems
these first century churches faced. Jesus is telling the church how to deal
with its problems.
Today there
are huge church buildings and large congregations, filled with divisions
over gay rights and abortion, what would Jesus’ position be on these
issues? We can look at the model of Thyatira to find the answer. What
about the suffering Christians in places where Christianity is persecuted by
governments, like North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Iran? The church at Smyrna
models the persecuted church, the letter is for them. If you were in a
persecuted church, the message to Smyrna would be a message to your church.
4. The Seven
Church Ages
In chapter one, we see Jesus in the midst of “Seven Lampstands”. From
Revelation 1:21, we learn, the seven lampstands represent the seven churches
addressed in chapters 2 and 3. They represent the complete church. The
progress of church history has a direct correlation to the events following
the seven churches of Revelation chapters 2 and 3.
Starting with
the Ephesus, the church founded by the Apostle Paul and administered by the
Apostle John to the church of Laodicea, the wealthy lukewarm church, the
history of the church is prophetically foretold. Jesus gives a “Prophetic
foreshadowing” in the seven churches. From the churches founded by the
apostles to the end of the age, Christ has a message for each church age
imbedded in the message to the seven churches.
John, the last apostle, the Church underwent a period of persecution, until
the time of Constantine, where the Roman Emperor himself professed to be a
Christian. Christianity became popular within the Roman Empire. Constantine
made allowances for pagan rites and customs. The correspondence between
history and the letters to the seven churches, demonstrates their prophetic
nature, foretelling the history and progression of church until the end of
the age. This correspondence can be seen as the prophetic foreshadowing of
the seven church ages.
Church |
Church Age |
The prophetic foreshadowing |
A.D. 33-100 |
The Apostolic Church |
The church founded by the apostles from Pentecost A.D. 33 to the
death of the last apostle John. John is buried at Ephesus
A.D. 100-312 |
The Persecuted Church |
The church received persecution from the time of Nero until
Constantine the Roman Emperor himself became a Christian. During
this period the church was humble and at the mercy of Rome but
grew fast with many turning from Greek paganism to the faith. |
A.D. 312-605 |
The Indulged Church |
When Constantine accepted Christianity he turned his kingdom
into a “Christian” kingdom, ending persecution. Christianity
was now popular, and allowances were made for the pagans to
become part of the church. The Church indulged some pagan
doctrines to make Christianity more attractive. |
A.D. 605-Tribulation |
The Pagan Church |
Pagan doctrines continued to be introduced into the church.
Doctrines such as praying to saints, excluding lay people from
scripture reading , purgatory, worship of images and relics,
etc., |
A.D. 1520-Tribulation |
The Dead Church |
The Pagan doctrines of Rome gave birth to the reformation. The
Reformation, which started out based in scripture, become part
of the political landscape as nations and kings adopted the
reformation to separate them from Roman Catholic domination.
The churches had a reputation of being alive but became
political. |
A.D. 1730-Rapture |
The Missionary Church |
The printing press allowed Bibles to be published in the
languages of the common people. This allowed people to act on
scripture. Out of the reformation movements, the missionary age
was given birth. People went throughout the earth to spread the
gospel. This movement continues today as the gospel is spread
fulfilling Matthew 24:14 |
A.D. 1900-Tribulation |
The Lukewarm Church |
This church which receives no Commendation. Christ is outside
the church knocking on the door. This is when the Church has
grown wealthy and self-sufficient not needing Christ, rejecting
his doctrines. Christ is outside this church, this church feels
they are wealthy but they are actually, poor, wretched and
naked. Abortion rights, gay marriage and biblical liberalism is
a picture of this present church in our day. |
Church of Ephesus –
(The Apostolic Church)
1 "To the
angel of the church of Ephesus write, 'These things says He who holds the
seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden
2 "I know your
works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are
evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and
have found them liars;
3 "and you
have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name's sake and
have not become weary.
The letter to each church is addressed to the
messenger, envoy, one who is sent. The word is understood by some, to mean,
the pastor over the church. This is also interpreted as a literal angel, in
charge over this church and or age. See Ephesians 6:12.
This church was founded by Paul, an Apostle born out of due season. Paul
began this church at the end of his second missionary journey (Acts
18:19-20). Paul was so successful in his evangelism, the famous goddess of
Ephesus, Artemis (Diana) dated to 1044 B.C. was abandoned by many of the
citizens, causing an uproar.
John the
Apostle, continued where Paul left off, being the last of the Apostles. The
tomb of John is in the city of Ephesus.
Holds the
The seven
stars represent the seven angles over the churches, who Jesus addresses to
in chapters 2 and 3. Jesus holding the stars represents his power over the
churches. The word “hold”, is translated from the Greek word,
meaning to have power, be powerful. Jesus has power over his church. He
however operates through his church, his body which represents Him.
Midst of the
pictures Himself in the midst of the Seven Lamp stands. The church in this
age is the visible light of Christ in the world. The Church starting with
Ephesus, the Apostolic church shines the Gospel in the world we live.
I know:
Before each of the Seven Churches Jesus, tells them he knows their
condition. He knows their works.
A. Working Church
Works, labor
and patience...Ephesus
was a working church founded by the Apostles. Without television,
newspapers or radio the Gospel moved from Jerusalem to the ends of the Roman
Empire and beyond. The evangelism of the world was laborious and dangerous
work. The work, often caused the death of many of the early apostles.
This church
labored in bringing the Gospel to the rest of Asia, through patience and
B. Separated Church
Bear those:
This church was a pure church testing its members. They did not allow those
who tolerated evil to be part of their body. They did not make sin relative;
sin was serious to Ephesus.
Many of the
great Christian institutions and churches in history fell because they
allowed sin to become part of their ministry. Rather, then deal with sin,
they allowed it to fester, until the Church the church or ministry was no
different then the world.
Say they are
The Ephesus
church was willing to test those who claimed to be Christ’s apostles.
During the early years of the Church, many appeared, claiming the authority
of Apostleship. They attempted to teach doctrines contrary to the Church.
Some claiming to be Apostles tried to reestablish Old Testament laws in the
church, they were the Judizers. Paul addresses this group in Galatians.
Today many
cults claim Apostolic authority, teaching heretical teachings denying the
very person of Christ. In the Apostolic age and at Ephesus the church stood
its ground against these false teachers.
The Ephesus church understood Christ name was at sake, for this reason they
separated themselves to insure the integrity of the ministry.
C. Cult opposing
This group is mentioned present at Ephesus and Pergamum. According to
Iraneus, the group was founded by Nicolas from the book of Acts (Acts 6:5).
He taught a teaching that would later become known as Gnosticism. This
teaching taught the Earth and flesh was separate from the spiritual realm
and therefore it was ok to indulge the flesh.
Nicolaitanes are the followers of that Nicolas who was one of the seven
first ordained to the diaconate by the apostles. They lead lives of
unrestrained indulgence. The character of these men is very plainly pointed
out in the Apocalypse of John, [when they are represented] as teaching that
it is a matter of indifference to practice adultery, and to eat things
sacrificed to idols. Wherefore the Word has also spoken of them thus:“But
this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also
"Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.
5 "Remember
therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else
I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place-unless
you repent.
6 "But this
you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
Against you:
Jesus seeks a pure church, a perfect church. Even though, all seemed right
at Ephesus, there were cracks forming. The Church was hard working,
non-nonsense church not tolerating false teachers or believers.
The system
started to loose its meaning over time. The church in Ephesus in A.D. 95
was over 30 years old, and leadership, except for John, was second
generation. Jesus wanted the church to not get lost in the details and
remember why they were there.
love: The two words here are
and ajgavph
Protos means first in time or place. An example of this love is the love
between a husband and wife when the courtship first begins and they are
inseparable. Wanting to be with each other all the time, learning and
growing in the relationship, but as the relationship becomes ritualized the
“Protos” love begins to disappear.
Jesus is
warning Ephesus against the ritual relationship. Jesus does not want a
ritualized relationship with us or his church. He want an “Excited”, “On
fire” church, one still with its first love relationship in tact..
The goal of Christ here is help and instruct his church. He points out
where they are successful and where they are failing.
Jesus also
gives the remedy for the problem faced by the church at Ephesus. The remedy
had three parts. This same remedy applies today to any person or church
caught in the ritual trap.
1. Remember
where from where you have fallen:
One of the
first steps is take a spiritual inventory. To really see where you are
today after Christ and where you were before Christ. Christ wants to not
get comfortable in our salvation, and forget what happened at the Cross. He
is saying remember the excitement of your salvation and see where you are
2. Repent:
Acknowledge the problem, take it before the throne and turn away from the
sin of complacent relationship.
3. Do the
first works:
Go back to
the basics, get excited again, understand your eternity, tell people about
Christ because you love them and want them in heaven, not because it a good
Or else:
Outward rituals no matter how pure or right at the start are meaningless.
The world sees right through an outward ritual. The light of the Gospel
will not glow from dead rituals, for this reason, Christ wants Ephesus to go
back to the beginning.
7 "He who has
an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who
overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of
the Paradise of God."
The Greek word is
and means to conquer
to carry off
the victory, come off victorious. Jesus is referring here to those in the
church who have victory. In each of the Seven churches Jesus gives a message
of victory to the believer, the overcomer and what is to come following the
church age.
The Church of
Persecuted Church)
miles to the north of Ephesus is the port city of Smyrna. A city founded by
the Hittites dating back to 2000 B.C., the Greeks “Sea peoples” conquered
the land about 1100 B.C. The city was part of the Ionian league of Greek
city states.
city was completely destroyed in 600 B.C. by the Lydian King Alyattes II.
The city was rebuilt by Alexander and his generals Lysimachus about 300 B.C.
The city was conquered by the Romans and in 193 B.C. a temple was erected to
the deity of Rome.
temples of Zeus and Cybele were linked by a mall said to surpass all others.
Smyrna was a wealthy port city, which the flow of trade entering and leaving
Asia Minor utilized. The city was controlled by guilds, those refusing to
join or denied membership would be unable to enter in commerce.
8 "And to the
angel of the church in Smyrna write, 'These things says the First and the
Last, who was dead, and came to
First and
In the
message to the church of Ephesus Jesus described Himself as holding the
seven stars and standing in the midst of seven lampstands. Here referring
back to the first chapter, Christ describes his nature and character. He is
alive and not dead. To those in Smyrna looking at the horrors of death,
Christ promises victory over death.
He conquered
death, and so can we. Death is not be feared by the Christian.
9 "I know your
works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy
of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
This is the model church of persecution and represents the age of
persecution. The church of Smyrna was marked by tribulation. The guilds
controlled the marketplace and unless you were willing to participate in the
worship of the gods, you could be excluded. The Christians refused and
suffered tribulation for their faith.
One of the
most famous martyrs of Smyrna is Polycarp, (Death 156 A.D.) the Bishop of
Smyrna, who died at the age of 86 refusing to deny Christ.
The word used does not just mean poor, but abject poverty. The Greek word,
means beggary, being destitute of riches or abundance. The Christians of
Smyrna faced persecution and lost their businesses and possessions because
of faith in Christ.
The Jews of Smyrna were extremely hostile to the Christians of the city. In
the Polycarp’s martyrdom they retrieved the wood for his burning. Jesus
calls the Jews of Smyrna blasphemous not only because of the persecution of
the Christians, but also for their ungodly alliance with the pagans of
The agora or
marketplace was a mall between two of the Greek gods Cybele and Zeus. The
Christian Greeks and converts of Judaism refused to worship or acknowledge
them therefore they were denied guild membership and lost their possessions
and became destitute because of their faith.
Synagogue of
The Synagogue
of Smyrna was in league with Greek gods of Smyrna in opposition to the
10 "Do not
fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is
about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will
have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the
crown of life.
Do not
Death is not
to be feared by the faithful. Ignatius on his was to be to mulled by the
Lions commented he yearned to be, “milled by teeth of lions into the bread
of Christ”
God allowed Satan to test His Church. During this period, the Church grew
like never before. The greatest period of church growth was during this
period of persecution. The more the church was persecuted the faster it
Tribulation…ten days.
The period of
persecution was to last period for a specified period. The persecution
during this period lasted from the time of Domitian in A.D. 96 until
Diocletian and his successor Galerius in A.D. 311. Depending on when
counting begins 10 or 11 periods of persecution can be located during this
period. If we start at Domitian, John was on Patmos because of Domition,
then there are 10 periods, with Nero as the start there are 11 periods.
Nero |
A.D. 54- 68 |
Paul beheaded and Peter crucified |
1 |
Domitian |
A.D. 81-96 |
John exiled |
2 |
Trajan |
A.D. 98-117 |
Ignatius burned at the stake |
3 |
Marcus Aurelius |
A.D. 161-180 |
Justin Martyr killed |
4 |
Severus |
A.D. 193-211 |
5 |
Maximinius |
A.D. 235-238 |
6 |
Decius |
A.D. 249-251 |
7 |
Valerian |
A.D. 253-260 |
8 |
Aurelian |
A.D. 270-275 |
9 |
Diocleation |
A.D. 284-305 |
10 |
Galerius |
A.D. 305-311 |
Until death.
death, the Christian martyr demonstrates to the world the victory we have in
Christ. We do not have to fear death, because one second after death we are
in the Lord’s presence for eternity. For this reason Paul could boldly say,
21 For to me,
to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
22 But if I
live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall
choose I cannot tell.
23 For I am
hard pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ,
which is far better.
Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.
11 "He who has
an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes
shall not be hurt by the second death." '
The Christian
was judged with Christ on the cross. We do not have to fear death. The
persecutors of the saints will face the “Second Death” when the stand before
the “Great White Throne” to give an account of their lives on earth. (Rev.
The Church of Pergamum
(The indulgent church)
city of Pergamum was the center of the imperial cult; the name of the city
means “Fortress”. The city dates from the time of nearby Troy 1200 B.C.
Alexander the Great’s general Antigonus seized Pergamum for Alexander’s
Kingdom. The city passed to Lysimachus, another general of Alexander’s who
succeeded him after his death.
Pergamum became a city-state under the control of the Seleucid’s in 263 B.C.
The city later changed alliances to Rome, and still later under Attalus II
(159-138 B.C.) the city was willed to Rome.
The city was made famous by its library of 200,000 scrolls and rivaled
Alexandria’s. Pergamum popularized writing on goatskin sheets later known
as “Parchment” a corruption of the name Pergamene.
The city was known for its Altar of Zeus and its large theater at the top of
the acropolis.
12 "And to the
angel of the church in Pergamos write, 'These things says He who has the
sharp two-edged sword:
when addressing this refers back to chapter one to describe his sword used
in judgment throughout the book of Revelation. The double-edged sword cuts
both ways. Pergamos brought the threat of Christ’s wrath for their actions.
Two edged
The sword is
a Rhomphaia,
a large long sword which came crashing down on its opponent. Jesus Christ
was and is able to bring judgment on his church.
13 "I know
your works, and where you dwell, where Satan's throne is. And you hold fast
to My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days in which Antipas was
My faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.
Your works:
Christ understood the opposition this church faced by being in close
proximity to Satan’s power. Jesus takes this into account with the Church
of Pergamos, Christ acknowledges their location, but Smyrna the persecuted
was also faced with difficult decisions.
The church of
Smyrna thrived under persecution, and so did the persecuted church. The
last Emperor to persecute Christians was Galerius, who died and excruciating
death as his body rotted from within while he was alive. Days before his
death, he recanted his orders of Christian persecution and then died.
Following his
rule was Constantine, a neophyte Christian, who made Christianity the
religion of the Roman Empire. Being a new Christian, he was willing to make
compromises to the pagans allowing mass conversions, allowing pagan priests
to become Christian priests.
The problem
was many of these conversions were more convenient then real. Pagan
practices were just repackaged with Christian names, keeping many of the
older rites. An example is Easter, the name is pagan in origin, but in
order to help pagans feel more at home with the “Resurrection Sunday”, the
name Easter remained. Other, practices such as bunny rabbits, white dresses
and eggs also stayed and packaged for Christian consumption.
The power
behind Pergamos was Satan. Jesus refers to the city as “Satan’s throne”.
There are several opinions what this could mean. Pergamos had the temple of
Zeus at Pergamum, Zeus the Greek god and Marduk the Babylonian god are by
most accounts the same god with a different name. The meanings are the
same, just different names according to Heroditus, the Greek historian. The
goddess Ashtora of the Philistines, Isis of Egypt and Artemis of the Greeks
are essentially the same but with different names. The source behind this
deception is Satan himself.
according to Revelation chapter 2 was the demonic spiritual powerhouse
behind this evil.
Do not deny
my faith:
Despite being
in the fortress of Satan’s operation, the church did not deny faith in
Christ. The church during the time of Constantine was known held to the
name of Christ.
Pergamum still had faithful saints willing to die for Christ. Antipas was
an early model of faithful saints, faithful to the Lord despite the
condition despite of the church.
14 "But I have
a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine
of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of
Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality.
15 "Thus you
also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I
Those…doctrine of Balaam:
Ephesus, Pergamum was will to indulge the ways of the world into their
system. Balaam was a prophet hired by the king of Moab, Balak, to find a
way to destroy Israel. Israel was entering his land on the way to the
Promised Land, and he was unable to curse them because each time a blessing
suggested intermarriage with the Moabites, eating food sacrificed to idols
and sexual immorality as the method to destroy Israel. This is the doctrine
of Balaam, to combine the things of God with the ways of the world. This
was happening in Pergamum, the church was permitting practices of the pagan
Greeks to be introduced into the church.
There groups
would later be known as the Gnostics. Today, a great example of
Gnosticism is The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Many Christians
are embracing a novel with a different Jesus. The Jesus of Gnosticism was
married to Mary Magdalene a Temple prostitute and had a child named Sarah.
Dan Brown presents this as fact, and many who might call themselves
Christians are embracing this book. The same was occurring here in this
proto-Gnostic group was teaching sexual freedom. The Greeks at their
various temples had Temple prostitutes. This church allowed those who
taught sexual promiscuity was permissible to be part of the leadership.
These very
issues plague the church today, and again some churches teach the
permissibility of sexual freedom, including gay rights, marriage and sexual
The Church at Ephesus refused the Nicolaitians to be part of their
leadership or teachers. Pergamum not only embraced their doctrines, they
allowed them to be part of their leadership.
This is what
happened Pergamum during this church age. The pagan’s world was allowed to
be part of the Church. Doctrines contrary to scripture introduced into the
Church, became a corruption of the truth.
One of the
doctrines introduced was the teaching the Church had become Israel,
(Replacement theology). This position allowed took away the literal
meaning of scripture and replaced it with allegory.
A.D. 300 |
Prayers for the dead |
A.D. 300 |
Making sign of the cross |
A.D. 375 |
Worship of saints and angels |
A.D. 394 |
Mass first instituted |
A.D. 431 |
Worship of Mary begun |
A.D. 500 |
Priests began dressing differently than laypeople |
A.D. 526 |
Extreme unction |
A.D. 593 |
Doctrine of purgatory introduced |
A.D. 600 |
Worship services conducted in Latin |
A.D. 600 |
Prayers directed to Mary |
16 'Repent, or
else I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword
of My mouth.
Repent… Gr.
means to change one's mind, i.e. to repent. What this church needed to do
was make a total change.
This same
counsel applies not only to this church but any church permitting sexual
impurity as part of their doctrine.
Fight …sword
of my mouth.
sinning without repentance will bring the judgment of Christ against the
offender. During this time, the Church saw the invasions of the Huns, the
Vandals and many other problems. Some view these events as fulfilling the
words of Christ, in judgment against his church, in the church age of the
17 "He who has
an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who
overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a
white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except
him who receives it." '
hidden manna.
Jesus had a specific promise to those in this age who “Overcame”. Manna was
the bread from heaven given to Israel in the wilderness. Christ makes the
same promise to those living in this church taking him seriously. They
would have Christ, the bread of God, (John 6:22-40)
white stone.
There is still debate about what this means. Some feel in the Pergamum
Theater, white stones were used as admission to the theater. Here, Christ
uses this imagery for admission into the kingdom of God for the overcomer.
new name.
When we come to Christ, we are “Born again” on the outside we look the same
but spiritually we are born again. Each believer has a unique relationship
with Christ, a special relationship. In heaven, we will have a special name
only known to Christ and the believer.
The Church of Thyatira
(The Pagan Church)
Thyatira is
45 miles southeast of Pergamos. The city was founded as Pelopia, a shrine
to the Lydian sun-god Tyrimnus. The city was located on the Hermus River.
The city was rebuilt by Selecus Nicator (301-281 B.C.) and made into a
frontier garrison. The city became a center for small manufacture and trade.
Thyatira was famous for its highly organized trade unions (cooperatives) and
specialization in “purple” dye made from the madder root rather then the
more expensive shellfish.
Lydia in Acts 16;14 was a “Purple” merchant and a convert to Judaism who
came from the Thyatira.
18 "And to the
angel of the church in Thyatira write, 'These things says the Son of God,
who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass:
Son of God.
Jesus Christ recalls for this Church his deity and holiness. This Church
fully embraced the pagan way of the Greeks.
Eyes like a
The eyes of
Christ are piercing seeing every action His church was involved. The
picture of fire demonstrate his anger at this church for what is being
allowed to take place.
Feet ..fine
brass. Gr.
this word is only used twice in scripture in Revelation 1:15, 2:18. The
meaning seems to be a precious alloy, pointing to brilliance of the metal
illustrating Christ as holy judge.
19 "I know
your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and as for your works,
the last are more than the first.
is best relates to the period known as the Dark ages of the Church, where
the doctrine of Jesus Christ’s deity was taught but other elements were
added which corrupted the Church.
"Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman
Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to
commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.
21 "And I gave
her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent.
22 "Indeed I
will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into
great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds.
23 "I will
kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He
who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you
according to your works.
To illustrate
the problem at this church Christ uses the Old Testament character of
Jezebel. Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, King of Sidonians. She tried
to corrupt Israel, by having Israel worship Baal and Asthtorah the pantheon
originating in Babylon.
The teaching
of Jezebel mirror the attempts of the early Gnostics to move Christianity
toward the Greek religion with its pantheon of gods and goddesses. As the
Greek religion’s influence began to fall with the spread of Christianity.
Satan used the method used against Israel under Jezebel, he tried to get the
church to incorporate the gods and goddesses of Greece with a
Judaic/Christian package. This is the story behind the Gnostics and The
Da Vinci Code. It’s the same strategy used in the past just rewritten
for a different era.
Jezebel at
this church foretells the attempts within the Catholic Church to make Mary
the co-redemptrix with Christ. This doctrine is blasphemous, but taken
seriously by many within the Catholic Church, in fact a petition with over
5-million signatures was delivered to the Pope requesting the church
announce Mary as co-redemptrix. Mary is already acknowledged as the “Queen
of Heaven” and Mother of God within the church, these blasphemous
teachings caused many to stumble and miss eternity.
Thyatira, a women some feel the wife of the pastor of the church was a
leader teaching and directing the servants of Christ to participate in the
Greek pagan sex rites. She called herself a prophetess, representing
another Christ to the Church.
Some feel
that Lydia returned to Thyatira after hearing the Gospel and started a
church. This church was accustomed to female leadership, which made them
vulnerable to this form of teaching.
Eat things.
She tried to have the servants of Christ compromise their walk by eating the
meat sacrificed in the Greek temples to the various gods and goddesses.
Some see this also as a picture of the teaching with Catholism with the
Eucharist, the doctrine that Christ is sacrificed every Sunday when the
bread is broken.
Christ died
once for our sins, He sits at the Fathers side interceding for his saints.
The one
aspect of Thyatira is two groups addressed in this Church. There is group
which does not hold to these doctrines (Verse 24). They are the overcomers,
but Christ promises the ones who persist in these false doctrines, they will
enter great tribulation.
Christ is indicating this church will be dealt with in the Tribulation
period, except for the ones who do not hold to this doctrine.
I will kill.
The offspring of this adulterous women and her adulterous teaching will
suffer for their pagan teachings.
I will give.
Jesus Christ examines the intentions of each of us, and pays us
accordingly. Christ searches the real meaning on why we do what we do.
A.D. 607 |
Boniface III made first Pope |
A.D. 1414 |
Cup forbidden to laypeople at Communion |
A.D. 709 |
Kissing the Pope’s foot |
A.D. 1439 |
Doctrine of purgatory decreed |
A.D. 786 |
Worshiping the images and relics |
A.D. 1508 |
The Ave Maria approved |
A.D. 850 |
Use of “Holy water” begun |
A.D. 1534 |
Jesuit order founded |
A.D. 995 |
Canonization of dead saints |
A.D. 1545 |
Tradition granted equal authority with Bible |
A.D. 998 |
Fasting on Fridays and during Lent |
A.D. 1546 |
Apocryphal books put into Bible |
A.D. 1079 |
Celibacy of the priesthood |
A.D. 1854 |
Immaculate conception of Mary |
A.D. 1090 |
Prayer beads |
A.D. 1864 |
Syllabus of Errors proclaimed |
A.D. 1184 |
The inquisition |
A.D. 1870 |
Infallibility of the Pope declared |
A.D. 1190 |
Sale of indulgences |
A.D. 1930 |
Public schools condemned |
A.D. 1215 |
Transubstantiation |
A.D. 1950 |
Assumption of the Virgin Mary |
A.D. 1220 |
Adoration of the wafer (Host) |
A.D. 1965 |
Mary proclaimed mother of the church. |
A.D. 1229 |
Bible forbidden to laypeople |
24 "Now to you
I say, and to the rest in Thyatira, as many as do not have this doctrine,
who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say, I will put on you no
other burden.
25 "But hold
fast what you have till I come.
Do not have
this doctrine.
A distinction
is made between these two groups in this Thyatira. Those who have embraced
these false doctrines and those who reject them. Thyatira is a picture of
Catholic Church, today many Catholics who read their Bible claim to be “Born
Again” not according to Protestant teachings but the teachings of Jesus
Some of the
greatest saints such as John Wycliffe and Tyndale were Catholic priests who
died for their desire to have God’s word reach the common people.
Depths of
Today, The Da
Vinci Code is making in roads into many churches as people read the book,
their whole perception of Christ is changing. This book claims to reveal
hidden secrets kept by a patriarchal society who want to suppress the
“Sacred Feminine” aspect of God.
The book is
just reworking the doctrines of the Gnostic church, which talked about
secret doctrines and rites with temple prostitutes.
The word used
to describe this knowledge is
where the Gnostic is derived.
26 "And he who
overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over
the nations
28 "and I will
give him the morning star.
29 "He who has
an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." '
Power over
the nations.
To those who
overcome Christ promises a place of ruler in the Millennium. Rev. 20:1-7