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Let that have ears-

let him hear



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 John 11:15 He that has ears  let him hear
Matthew 13:16

Blessed are your  eyes for they see. Blessed are your ears for they hear

John 5:24 Truly Truly I said unto you he that heareth my word and  pass from death to life .
 7  July 2002


We should be thankful to the great creator. You have ears you should hear. Let every person be swift to hear but slow to anger, and slow to speak.  We should be attentive to hear.

A true story  of a grand pa and his grandson. His grandson ask why did God create  housefly. This young little boy was cute and curious and sincere. Why did our great creator make/create  housefly. The grand pa related a story, there was a small village and small church. This young man was interested in music and not interested in word of God. One day, a preacher says he will also be singing and presenting musical items. He was attracted to the music and he said if the preacher start to preach I will put my  fingers into my both my ears. They try to convert me to christian that is not possible. So the young man goes to the meeting and he enjoyed the presentation and singing. And the guest speaker say before I present the word of God I am going to share a musical item. This young boy was drinking and taking in the music. After that the preacher say now I want to share the word of God and this young man think that he can outsmart God so that the word of God will not enter his heart. Hold and behold,  God send a housefly and landed on his nose and he tried to shake his head and the housefly flew away. The housefly came back again and this time go into his nose holes. He was very irritated and he took out one of his fingers. The preacher say He that have ears let him hear. He absorbed and he was marvelously saved and absorbed by the good news. grandpa say I was that young boy. God created housefly to save your grandpa. He was wonderfully saved and transformed  by the good news and gospel of Jesus Christ. Then the grandpa ask ,  “do you know who is the young boy”. The grand pa reply that I was that young boy and you ask me why God created the housefly. God created housefly to save me or to save your grandpa.  This a true recorded incident and there is a gospel track why did God make housefly.

He that have ears let him hear. Many of us are not blessed and enriched by God . We hear and hear, we do nothing about it. You will indeed be bless by God. Jesus assuredly said unto you. Anoint my ears so that I can hear. In the gospel of John. In the 21 chapters and 879 verses. Chapter 1 to 21, John the beloved penned down those who hear the word and believe – the word believe believe believe  is recorded over 50 over times. Unless your eyes have cataracts, then when you read the gospel of John, you cannot spot out the word believe. Brothers and sisters and friends. It is recorded more than 50 over times. You can hear and not believe.  But you can hear and act upon it and believe. The greatest sin  in the world is the sin of unbelief. John 16:9  Of sins because they believe not of me- is the sin of unbelief  God consider unbelief as a major  sin. When anyone hears the word of God and refuses to believe and accept what God has mentioned in his word. In Rev 21:8 Unbelievers portion is the lake of fire. Unbelief will send any individuals into the lake of fire. The children of Israel were sustanced by God’s supernatural power. In the wilderness they were wandering, in the desert God display His power, and God  supplied them and protected them supernaturally. They have observed and seen miracles after miracles yet their heart were  filled with unbelief. That is why God said you cannot enter the land filled with milk and honey because of unbelief. We as believers have to encourage one another and absorb one another  lest in anyone of us we have a evil heart and wicked heart of unbelief as recorded in Hebrews 3:12 to depart from believing God. Unbelief causes us to depart from the living God. People say Seeing is believing Are you sure.  This is a notion, opinion and philosophy of the world. Unless I see I will not believe. They are like doubting Thomas. Remember after the resurrection, when Jesus appear to his disciples, somehow Thomas was not in this gathering. Perhaps Thomas was busy, lazy or have other programs. Do not need to go to the meetings.  In John 20:24, this time Thomas was not there, the other disciples was so excited . We missed to see the glory of God, we are busy too. We missed the divine appointment. Unless I see with my own eyes and put my hand into the pierced hand of Jesus and put my hand into the thrust side of the body, I will not believe. Jesus was gracious and he appeared a second time and this time Thomas was there, in John 20:29 Jesus said “Blessed are those that see me now and believe. In John 12:37 – Even though Jesus has performed miraculous signs before their naked eyes, and yet they did not believe on him. Therefore seeing is believing is not true.  People can see and see and see they may still not believe. They still have some reservations.  I will not believe are you

When an individual do not want to believe, even though, he is able to see and able to hear. He still will not believe. But when an individual want to believe, he will hear änd respond to the rich blessings of God. John 5:24 Those who hear my word, you must believe. When you believe, you will receive the blessings from God himself. In John 1:12  In the latter part, God grant us all to become children of God even to them that believe in his name. God say now you are the children of God. You are children of God and light based on your belief. He grant us the authority. Live like one, talk like one, behave like one. Most of us think. We are all children of God. So act like one, talk and behave like one. Every morning, tell yourself, I am a child of God, I belong  to Jesus. I am His child You are the child of God. Let us  travel down to John 3:18, those who believe in him there is no condemnation or judgement. Judgement is to those  who refuse to believe and judge.  For believers, there is no more  If the devil try to remind you of the past sin, mistakes and unrighteousness, and as result of what Satan mentioned to you of your past and  you feel very condemned, you remind him of his future in the lake of fire. My future is walking on the street of pure gold, 24carats. Hallelujah – Ha Ha ha… There is no more judgement and condemnation to those who believe in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Let’s observe the 3rd blessings. John6:35 Jesus said I am the bread of life. I am the bread of life.  Those who follow after me shall never hunger and those who believe in me shall never thirst. Those who follow Jesus shall never be thirsty spiritually again. But I am afraid it is not real, it is not true, it is not the reality in the hearts and  lives of many Christians- they believe in Jesus – but within them they are still thirsty- how do we know they are still thirsty- they are still searching, seeking high and low like the people of the world to  quench the  spiritual thirst within them. But if you claim you are a child of God and believer of Jesus Christ. Listen to what Jesus said- those who believe in me shall never never  thirst again.  Your spiritual thirst have been quenched by the living water. The living bread  bring inner and lasting satisfaction. If you are seeking and searching  here and there to find fulfillment and satisfaction. I am afraid brothers and sisters you do not really believe. Because if you really believe Jesus inside you. It is the bread of life.  Only He satisfied. You are being satisfied and nourished by the bread of life that came from above. Only Jesus Nothing else can satisfied the longing of our souls.  If it is true some of the VCDs, keep watching hours after hours until midnight- 1 show after another, 1 drama after another, 1 episode after another, series after series. And therefore you have to resolve whether you believe in Jesus. Those who believe in you will never thirst again. How come you depend on external things to bring inner satisfaction inner fulfillment. If you believe Jesus  In John 7:38. I am reminding what Jesus said, therefore you have to be attentive and harken to what Jesus said.  He that believe on me as the scriptures said out of innermost being shall flows stream of living water. If you are a true believers, streams of living water shall gush forth. Thank God for the inner rivers- the river of life and those who drink. Out of your innermost being- not your head. The Holy Spirit flows in we flow out, If it does not flow in – you cannot flow out. You have nothing to give out. I can only give out as I receive. You can only give out what you receive. Peter said  silver and gold have I none. What do you have. What do you possess. He possess  Jesus- the realities of Jesus. Peter said such as I have I have Jesus- I have His realities and  fullness. I can  give it to you. Brothers and sisters-if you want your life to be a blessing to  others- first of all you must drink from Him- receive from Him. Let Jesus come in- Jesus I believe in you.  Out of  your innermost life and being shall flow rivers and streams of living water. God.  I will let it flow. Praise God you will be refreshing to those who are dry. Many people are dry. They are religious. They come to church Sunday after Sunday. Inside their souls, they are not refreshed and satisfied- because if you are a true believer streams of living water should gush off. Unbelief is like a flood gate. When there is an overflow of water the watchman will just shut it close. No more will flow out. No more in and no more out. Your Christian life becomes stagnant- Yes I am a Christian but where is the excitement. Duty and responsibility. If  I don’t come to church- people think I am not a Christian, religious and saved. But within you , you are dry, Those who believe in Jesus out of his belly shall  flow rivers of living water.

 Now travel with me to John  11:40 Jesus said Martha if you believe you are going to see the glory of God being manifested. Believers should see God’s glory. As a child of God, when was the last time you feel and behold and gazed upon his glory. His glory becomes a reality- God you are so real. As I behold your glory. You and I can never  never never be the same. Because the spiritual and eternal glory will bring inner transformation to you as the viewer. And as you viewed God, God will display- to you as an individual- the more you gaze you are being changed from one glory to another glory and there is no end to the eternal glory of God. We will never  never remain to be the same again. This is what Jesus told Martha. You can  believe you will see but if  you do not  believe you will see your brother raised up. Martha has the privilege to see the glory of God through His own brother. Jesus brought spiritual and physical restoration in Lazarus. Come to church- come come come- 9.30 am come come come- but never turn up promises after promises. As a Christian sometimes we feel hopeless - invite so many times, pray so many times talk to him/ her so many times. I give up hope and discouraged. I am not going to mention about Jesus anymore. There is light. There is light. There is the glory of God. Do not give up hope. The glory of God will appear to them. True enough, Mary and Martha saw the glory of God displayed.

 Turn with me to John 12:46. I myself was shocked when I read these scriptures. I  was amazed on  what you will receive if you believe. Jesus say I am the light of the world. We have the sun, the moon that reflect the light of the sun. Are you Ok Jesus. Are you the sun- yes I am the Son of Righteouness. Praise God Hallelujah. Those who believe in me will not abide in darkness. You will not remain in darkness. Those who live in sin dwell in darkness. But thank God those who believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus promise us you will have the spiritual light within your soul to enlighten and guide you. Thy word is alamp unto my path.  Sometimes  written word reveal Jesus who is the the living word  of God- which is Jesus. Once you believe in Jesus. You will stay in the Light. And in Him there is no darkness at all. Your fellowship and communion with Jesus is sweet, close. He is so real to you. You can experience Him his closeness and nearness because you have been walking in his light. You  have fellowship with the Father and with His Son and the children of God. I have not started this is just introduction. Ha ha ha.. Hallelujah  Hallelujah.

John 5:24 tells us the threefold blessings given to those who hear the word and believe. So do not be a hearer be a believer.  Satan doesn’t mind we hear the word of God- In one ear and out the other ear. Some of you what did you hear last week. What did Pastor preach last week - I forgotten. He was jumping up and down. (Honouring God Part 2). What did we eat last week. Maybe the food was not delicious. But if the food was good and cheap you will not forget. If you have a wonderful meal- you may not forget.  So Satan does not mind we hear the word as long as we do not believe, caused us to reason and dissect the things of God. The things of God are not for us to dissect. The things of God is not logic, in fact illogical.  Can a virgin give birth – X and Y sperms must come together = baby. For God, we do not need X and Y . It blows your mind or not. You cannot reason. Reason again and argued again and find fault with God again. You cannot quarrel, argue ,reason  or you will stumble over Jesus. I want to be a firm believer of  everything Jesus says. And now, the three fold blessings if you believe:

 The first blessing 

They have eternal life. I urge you to spend one or two hour and do yourself a favour  to read chapter 1 -21 -  879 verses. Do yourself a  favour – check and mark out eternal life- you will be shock and surprise – eternal life is mentioned 16 times. Live forever  is only mentioned 2 times. In total it is 18 times. If they hear the word, they read the word, and respond, God I believe, eternal life is ours to enjoy right now. It is not up to heaven. Eternal life is ours.

Think for a minute- your loved ones and unsaved member of the family who do not believe. Those who believe will receive eternal life. In the garden of Eden, tree of life is there. God wants His creation to enjoy eternal life. The gospel singer sing “Man shall live forever more because of Christmas Day-Hark now hear the angels sing”- Christ was born- why was he born- He was born so that man shall live and never to die- 60,70,80 years old.  Man are blinded spiritually to the promises and blessings of God. And our job is to share with them- eternal life is yours if you hear and respond and believing.

The second blessing

In Romans 10:14 –You see the 3 HOWs.  Another HOW in verse 15. There are 4 HOWs . You hold the keys to the 3 HOWs. How shall they call, How shall they believe, How shall they hear. You and I hold the keys to unlock the hearts and minds. We hear and  Let us give them an opportunity to hear through our lips and minds. Eternal life is ours. Praise God. In John 5:24  Shall not come into condemnation. No more condemnation. Jesus He took our condemnation, so that you and I shall be declared not guilty. We have been past from death to life. How do we know we have been transfer from spiritual death to spiritual life. It is not something we hope so, perhaps, maybe. You are absolute, we know,  we have crossed from spiritual death to spiritual life. How do we know. Because we can sing, sway our hands – no no no. The bible never say that. How do we know we have crossed from spiritual death to spiritual life.  In the last  verse  1 John 3:14   here  John the beloved tell us  that we know, not we guessed or maybe, that we have passed from death onto life – because we  love the brothers. Once you hear the word of God you experience eternal life and the second thing  when you believe the word of God is there is no more judgement.  You experience eternal life – and no more judgement   What is the proof –  from spiritual death to spiritual life because we love the brothers - the love and concern for our brothers and sisters.  – the unkind, It is easy to love the beautiful, intelligent, talented,  very easy to love such people. Can you love your sister, who walks like that with a limp. Can you identify yourself with your brothers and sisters in the shopping mall on the highway, on the side of the road- will you walk beside her if she walks like that. She is my sister- I loved her and we are one in the family of God and  that life is a life of love. We love John the Beloved continued very strongly on this theme of love. 1 John 3 :16 How he loved us - he lay down his life for us. We ought to lay down our life one for another. If I were to ask you to lay down your life for Brother David here.  Brother David- he needs blood- I am overweight- my body will replenish back- chicken task not a problem. But if he needs a kidney. How many of us will donate a kidney.  This is no joke- we have only two kidneys. John the beloved says we have to lay down our life one for another if we love one another. In the church today, the word love is very cheap, action is very expensive. I can see the glory of God in you but can you give me a lift.  Where is the glory of the lord-  in my shining car.  Sorry you will dirty my car. Can I come to your house – very clean day and night no dust- you come in and bring the dusts. You cannot come to my house. Where is the glory of God…etc